Terms & Conditions

All content on this site is the original property of Hammmade Furniture, LLC. All images, text, designs and intellectual property remain copyrighted.

  1. The purpose of this website is exclusively to share, promote and sell Hammmade Furniture designs and products. 
  2. All products are guaranteed for workmanship and materials, under normal and intended use conditions.
  3. Hammmade Furniture is not responsible for the installation of any swings, art or other products and is not liable for any accidents occurring due to negligent installation. We recommend consulting with a local contractor or other expert to ensure proper and safe installation of our products.
  4. All art and designs are original designs by members of the Hamm family and may not be reproduced or distributed without the expressed written consent of the author.
  5. Hammmade Furniture is a family-run business. Any images of children viewable on our site may not, under any circumstances, be reproduced or distributed elsewhere.

Additional terms apply.


Privacy Policy

We protect your privacy. Your purchasing information is protected, and all sales are confidential. Any images of Hammmade Furniture products installed on location are presented with the permission of the customer and Hammmade Furniture.